
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Assessments in Nursery stage

The nursery team spend time observing the children in a range of contexts, including independent play and during group time. We use our observations to prepare next steps for the children, planning opportunities within our nursery provision for the children to practise and master new skills. We communicate your child’s next steps using our ‘Evidence Me’ app and at Parents Evenings throughout the school year.

Reception Baselines

During the children’s first half-term in Reception class, the teacher must conduct the DfE Reception Baseline. This is a short, interactive and practical assessment of your child’s early literacy, communication, language and mathematics skills when they begin school, using materials that most children of your child’s age will be familiar with. For more information, please read this leaflet - Information for parents: reception baseline assessment (

Teachers will then use this assessment, alongside a three week transition period of getting to know the children and conducting observations, to inform their learning priorities and know how best to support the every individual child.

We also believe strongly in the importance of informal chats, where we will share your little ones celebrations and also things that we have noticed as part of our observations within settings. We work closely in partnership with our families and actively encourage families to share information from home.

Early intervention is key to our practice, this involves picking up on anything that the children are finding challenging. Within our setting we run a range of intervention groups to give our children additional support. We also work closely with other professionals including Speech and Language Therapy and the Early Years Inclusion team.