What are your expectations for my child’s engagement and the support that we as parents and carers should provide?
We expect every student to engage in lessons as they would in the classroom, and similarly our staff will be checking student understanding in the same manner as well. This could take the form of online quizzes, marking/assessment of assignments or work returned by email or other apps, or in-class engagement.
Student behaviour practices are expected to be in line with those within the academy, and additional rules are in place for things such as microphone and camera use, raising hands, or class conversation through MS Teams.
We know that strong parental engagement is important to make this successful, and therefore endeavour to communicate regularly with you around how the remote learning is going. We will be there to offer support on how to access the information remotely around resources, lessons and your child’s attendance, behaviour and engagement.
We ask that you support your child by creating a quiet place for them to attend lessons at home, and do not record any lessons for your own use due to GDPR and data protection.
How will you check whether my child is engaging with their work and how will I be informed if there are concerns?
We will be checking in with children during lessons and online-check-in sessions to ensure we have a good overview of their understanding and engagement. Online quizzing and assessment tools also help us to see how many children are actively engaging in lessons, and as always we will be monitoring attendance.
If there are any concerns we will ensure we are in contact with you as parents and carers by telephone each week.
How will you assess my child’s work and progress?
We will be assessing your child’s progress through work submitted daily via Microsoft Teams, engagement through questions in lessons, using online quizzing/marking tools and other work returned by email/other agreed communication. This will help us identify needs of the individual or needs of the class quickly and effectively. As part of the 30 minute daily check in, teachers will address any misconception from the previous day.