Global Partnerships
Oasis responds to the local needs of 51 communities across the globe, which requires an enormous amount of support and resource.
Global partnering is one of the ways our academies can support the varying needs of country specific programmes. From providing funds and gifts in kind, to arranging visits during the holidays to offer more hands-on help.
At Oasis Academy Watermead, we work hard to support Oasis Academy Musoto, Uganda, and as a school help fund raise for Mozambique.
To raise money to help support Oasis Musoto and Oasis One Global Education Day we bought some mini building projects for each classroom with the idea that children would pay 50p per brick and the buildings would develop over a few weeks, which was well promoted with our families. In class children learnt about the links with our British Values Book ‘We are all Born Free’ and the right to education for all children. We also held a coffee and cake event in school with our staff entering in to a ‘Bake off’ style completion, families were invited to share coffee and cake and make a contribution to our fund raising in total we raised over £380 for Oasis Musoto!
Parents joined us to celebrate Mozambique week and pupils enjoyed foods that they might eat in Mozambique as well as drama, art and dance workshops. Pupils also opened a world gift shop for parents and the community to come and purchase gifts they had make to raise funds for Mozambique.