
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community



"Leaders and trust leaders are united in their approach to providing a high-quality education for their pupils. Leaders, with the support of the trust, have devised a purposeful and ambitious curriculum. The curriculum is appropriate for the context of the school and the pupils’ needs. The school has identified the essential knowledge, skills and vocabulary it wants pupils to learn".
Ofsted 2023

Inspectors have judged Oasis Academy Watermead to still be ‘Outstanding’, their highest rating.  

In the report, Ofsted noted that:

  • 'The school prioritises reading and is ambitious that every pupil will learn to read, regardless of their background. The school encourages a love of reading by building up access to a wide selection of books, including an online library.'
  • 'The school is ambitious for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). There are clear processes in place to identify their needs. These pupils receive the support they require quickly. Learning activities are skilfully adapted so that pupils with SEND can access the intended learning. These pupils achieve well.'
  • ‘The school sets high expectations for pupils’ behaviour in and around the school. Pupils move around the school in a calm and orderly manner. They are polite and courteous to each other and to others visiting the school. Pupils say bullying does not happen.'

The inspection focused on the care that the academy provides to support every child, regardless of background or starting-point, to make excellent progress. 

Ofsted praised the school leadership for their work around pupils’ personal development and welfare. Ofsted highlighted that 'Pupils access a carefully planned personal development programme. Character development sits at the heart of this programme. The curriculum helps pupils to understand how to stay safe, including when online.'

A full copy of Ofsted's Inspection Report can be viewed and downloaded here

To see a full list of previous inspections along with our current report, please visit the Ofsted website